Id: 27
Hex: 1B
Bin: 00011011
Sent by the server and the client
Name | Type |
entity id | varlong |
event id | ubyte |
data | varint |
Name | Value |
hurt animation | 2 |
death animation | 3 |
arm swing | 4 |
tame fail | 6 |
tame success | 7 |
shake wet | 8 |
use item | 9 |
eat grass animation | 10 |
fish hook bubbles | 11 |
fish hook position | 12 |
fish hook hook | 13 |
fish hook tease | 14 |
squid ink cloud | 15 |
zombie villager cure | 16 |
respawn | 18 |
iron golem offer flower | 19 |
iron golem withdraw flower | 20 |
love particles | 21 |
witch spell animation | 24 |
firework particles | 25 |
silverfish spawn animation | 27 |
witch drink potion | 29 |
witch thrown potion | 30 |
minecart tnt prime fuse | 31 |
player add xp levels | 34 |
elder guardian curse | 35 |
agent arm swing | 36 |
ender dragon death | 37 |
dust particles | 38 |
eating item | 57 |
baby animal feed | 60 |
death smoke cloud | 61 |
complete trade | 62 |
remove leash | 63 |
consume totem | 65 |
entity spawn | 67 |
dragon puke | 68 |
item entity merge | 69 |